14 February 2023 | 12.00 pm
Curonian Spit History Museum (Pamario str. 53, Neringa)

12.00 Registration of participants
12.15 Thomas Mann Memorial Museum – a genius loci success story
Speaker Dr. Lina Motuzienė (Neringa Museums)
12.30 Vydūnas’ genius loci as a tool for regional tourism development
Speaker Rita Tarvydienė (Kintai Vydūnas Cultural Centre Museum)
12.45 The personality of Hugo Šoys – a symbol of culture and tourism in Šilutė district
Speaker Indrė Skablauskaitė (Šilutė Hugo Šoius Museum)
13.00 Coffee break
13.15 Development of the Martynas Jankus Museum based on the genius loci factor
Speaker Liudvika Burzdžiuvienė (Martynas Jankus Museum of Pagėgiai Municipality)
13.30 Antanas Montis House-Museum – a symbol of Palanga tourism development
Speaker Loreta Birutė Turauskaitė (Antanas Moncis House-Museum)
13.45 Concluding remarks and discussion

The project “Genius loci in dialogue and motion: creating space for tourism development” is implemented within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument and funded by the European Union under contract 1S-212, 17-06-2021. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Neringa Museums and cannot be regarded as reflecting the views of the European Union.

Neringa Museums is implementing the international project “Genius loci in dialogue and in motion: creating space for tourism development”, which has as its main objective the development of cultural tourism in the region, especially through museums where the memory of cultural personalities plays a key role.

Neringa Museums is organising a round table discussion on “Memorial museums of Genius loci as an instrument for increasing tourist attractiveness of the region”, inviting representatives of the region’s museums, who will have the opportunity to share their experiences, problems and visions on how genius loci museums and other cultural institutions can further contribute to the development of tourism and the enhancement of the region’s tourism appeal.

Neringa Museums
Thomas Mann Cultural Centre