20 July (Saturday) 11.00 a.m.
“Across Nida with a paintbrush”
Artists discovered Nida and showed it to the world as they saw it. Are their favourite motifs still there, what would they paint now? We will look for answers as we walk together through northern Nida. 
Duration of the tour – 1.5 hours.
Start: Curonian Spit History Museum (Pamario str. 53, Nida)
Registration required: kulturanidoje@gmail.com

For the International Thomas Mann Festival “Cultural Landscapes. During the International Thought Festival of Thought on the Curonian Spit, we offer a deeper insight into the history of the Curonian Spit and its landscapes. Together with our guide Aušra Feser, you will have the opportunity to walk along the different dunes around Nida, along the slopes of the dunes with stunning panoramas of the Nida settlement, or along the paths that tell the story of the famous Nida artists’ colony. The tours are free of charge only due to limited numbers, please register in advance. You can take part in all three different excursions or choose one topic that interests you more.

Organiser: Thomas Mann Cultural Center