8 September (Sunday) 8.45 St. Mass in Nida. Donated by Philippe Capelle-Dumont
8 September (Sunday) 8.45 St. Mass in Nida. Donated by Philippe Capelle-Dumont
19 July (Friday)11.00 Curonian Spit History Museum Readings of Thomas Mann’s works Read by Laurynas Katkus (Lithuanian language)
19 July 2024, Thursday Mammoth Hunt, Director: Aistė Stonyte, Lithuania, 2023, 92 min., Lithuanian language, English...
19 July (Friday)16.00 Thomas Mann Memorial Museum A talk on the recently published novel “The Magician” by the famous...
July 18th (Thursday)|4 p. m. Thomas Mann Memorial Museum“How much Immanuel Kant’s answers to the question “What...
18 July 2024, Thursday Three Winters, Director: Michael Koch, Switzerland, Germany, 2022, 136 min., German language,...
July 18th (Thursday) 8 p. m. Nida Lutheran Church CHAMBER MUSIC HOUR Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Piano...
18 July (Thursday)11.00 am Curonian Spit History Museum CREATIVE READINGS Meeting with the winners of the essay...
4 p. m. Thomas Mann Memorial Museum Conversation with Fr. Florian Schuller (Germany), former director of the Bavarian Catholic...
17 July (Wednesday)11.00 Curonian Spit History Museum READINGS OF THOMAS MANNS’ WORKS Ruth Leiserowitz (German language)